His Holy Church

Book The Covenants of the gods

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The Covenants of the gods

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Covenants The Covenants of the gods deals with the contractual nature of man's relationship with God and gods. From Holy Matrimony to the Body of Christ vs the body of the State it is a unique blend of law, history and the Bible. "Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods."  CG144B $25.00
 Thy Kingdom Comes Thy Kingdom Comes deals with the nature of the Kingdom of God at hand on earth, how it existed from generation to generation. It covers the history and precepts of the Kingdom, the confusion wrought by the Pharisees, the corruption brought in age after age to keep people from the perfect law of liberty.  TKC145B $25.00
Free Church Report The Free Church Report explains the simple requirements for forming a Free Church, how they functioned in the past and should today. The perfect law of liberty taught by Christ is the foundation of the Church that set men free from the bondage of the "world". A guide to that perfect law of liberty. FCR144A $25.00
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Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. Ex 23:32

Why does the Bible tell us over and over not to make covenants with the people or their gods?
Why are we told above all things stop the taking of oaths?
Why does Jesus tell us to only pray to the Father?
How do we become unequally yokes?

The Covenants of the gods is an iconoclastic explication of the Gospel in the world today. History, law and the Bible are melded together in a unique eye opening exegesis that asks and answers the burning question that has haunted the history of men since the beginning of time.
Read more about this book.

Read a synopsis of Each chapter with links to versions of these chapters on the net.

You can read the book on the net by chapters, download it at no charge or obtain it from the Church as a printed book for a donation of 25 dollars.

Or: Send a Check or Money Order payable to "His Church"

His Church
Box 10
Anna Road 10
Summer Lake, Oregon

Please Request which book you are interested in receiving.

The Covenants of the gods or

Thy Kingdom Comes or

The Free church Report

If you think this work is valid and worthy of your assistance please donate to this ministry as God leads you.[When the funds are raised for a mass printing we will be able to bring the cost down.]

The Covenants of the gods

"Are men the property of the state? Or are they free souls under God? This same battle continues throughout the world?" Cecil B. DeMille in "The Ten Commandments."

144 pages, over 600 footnotes, all revealing the covenants that make gods of men and slaves of gods.
Why does the Bible tell us over and over not to make covenants with the people or their gods?
Why are we told above all things stop the taking of oaths?
Why does Jesus tell us to only pray to the Father?
How do we become unequally yokes?

The Covenants of the gods is an iconoclastic explication of the Gospel in the world today. History, law and the Bible are melded together in a unique eye opening exegesis that asks and answers the burning question that has haunted the history of men since the beginning of time.
Read more about this book.

Read a synopsis of Each chapter with links to versions of these chapters on the net.




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last modified: 03/03/2011 08:56:41