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Thy Kingdom Comes


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Thy Kingdom Comes

Thy Kingdom Comes

Order the book Thy Kingdom Comes
Thy Kingdom Comes is a history of the Kingdom of God, from Abraham to the first millennium. What did it look like, how did it work from generation to generation? A revealing look at the sophistry and deception of one form of government hated by God and the other instituted by the prophets of God which changed lives, freed nation, brought tyrants down. The Kingdom of God is at hand.

Go to the Table of Contents


“Thy Kingdom Comes” is a unique examination of the dominion of God from Abraham through the early Church. It cleans a window of history to reveal what Christians were really doing and how they began to go wrong.

Abraham, Moses, and Jesus  promoted a system of self government that set men free and kept them free despite the plagues of Egypt, hardships in the wilderness, the apostasy of the Pharisees, and the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. The precepts of that faith, the spiritual self discipline of the heart and mind of Christ guiding the people in the will of the Father has protected and sustained societies in freedom for those who truly seeks the dominion of God and His righteousness.

But we must come together according to His way and His character, His Name.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20 

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.” Matthew 6:10

“Thy Kingdom Comes” addresses the fact that Abraham was the father of most religions of the world today. Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist, Christ and the early Church were setting men free in Spirit and Truth, yet, most religions today divide the people which brings them back into bondage.

In order to make an honest examination of the Biblical text we need a clear understanding of its context in history which includes the working elements of society, law, and government. We also need to constantly reference the original language and how they were formed and used at the time of its writing. While authors of sacred texts may have been inspired, translators and ministers may not always be able to honestly make that same claim.

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21

If we do not seek to gather together for the good of others then how can we say we love Christ or the Father?

"And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" Luke 6:46 

"If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 14:15

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

Peace be to this house,

The Prologue of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

1. The Kingdom of God of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Is Righteousness of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     A Man as King of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


2. Abraham Uncivilized of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The City State of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Two kingdoms/ The Merchants of Men of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

      The Hindu Connection of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Abraham and the Legend, The Prodigal Son
     Our king and our god?
of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Code of Abraham of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Abraham and the Family of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


3. The Altar of Abraham of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Moses and the Altars of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Altar of Sin of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Sacrifice of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


4. Moses, Moses of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Civil State of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Gods Many of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     No Kings of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Servant Priests of a Nation of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


5. Joshua’s Altar of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    White Altars of Joshua
     King over us
of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Adultery of a Nation of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Fear, Faith and Foolishness of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


6. The World of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    Of Rome and Judea of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Remarkable History of Israel of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Rome the Believer of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
     The Commander in chiefs

     A Father’s offer of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Hasmonean Appeal of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
     Socialization of Rome

     The Love of kings of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


7. Factions at the Altar of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Pharisees and The Sadducees of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Essenes of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
     The Healers of a Nation


8. A King is Born of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     A King is Born of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     What is redemption? of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Kingdom in Turmoil of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The New Deal of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


9. Temples and Churches of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Church

     Investing in Diana of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     One Father of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Arts of the Temples of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Temple of Satan of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Royal Treasury of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

10. Two Paths of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     God’s dominion from the Beginning of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
     The revenue of the wicked

     Beams in our eyes of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
     Removing the Beam

     These two Kingdoms of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    Faith is actions of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The kingdom appointed to Liberty of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


11. Where is the kingdom of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    The kingdom comes of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    Eating in the kingdom of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    Washing in the kingdom of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Where is the Church? of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     We are all kings of the book Thy Kingdom Comes


12. Apostasy of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Ship of State of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Allurement of Wolves of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Church of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     The Separate Church

13. The Kingdom of Heaven of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    The State of the Nation of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    Seeking the kingdom, The Law of God of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    What does the Kingdom look like? of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    Assembling a congregation of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
    Where to start seeking the kingdom of God

Appendix of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    Appendix 1. Kingdom of Heaven and God of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    Appendix 2. The things He says of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Appendix 3. What is Worship? of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Appendix 4. Who are the Nicolaitans? of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Appendix 5. Who is a god? of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

     Appendix 6. Oaths and Swearing of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

    The Cover of the book, Thy Kingdom Comes
The Elixir of Love.

     About the Author of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

Other publications:

The Covenants of the gods
The Free Church Report



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