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The following files can be downloaded saved to USB or your hard drive or emailed to a local printer. They may be reprinted for free distribution as a 5" X 8 1/2" booklet or standard 8 1/2"X11" print for usually less than a dollar. The more you order the less it costs per booklet. Many printers may merely need the link to the file you wish to republish.
Help spread the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God.

Terms: Permission is granted to reproduce this material as long as it is reproduced in its entirety with all references and sources, headings, and titles.
Help spread the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God.
Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets, or
Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly [alphabetical list]


Spread the Good News


The following files can be downloaded saved to USB or your hard drive or emailed to a local printer. They may be reprinted for free distribution as a 5" X 8 1/2" booklet print for often less than a dollar. The more you order the less it costs per booklet. Many printers may merely need the link to the file you wish to republish.
Help spread the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God.

Terms: Permission is granted to reproduce this material as long as it is reproduced in its entirety with all references and sources, headings, and titles and they are distributed without charge.
Help spread the good news of the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets, or
Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly [alphabetical list]


The Adventures of Artifice in Languageland
The dictatorship over the minds of men by traitorous translators and sophisticated sophists. Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Body of Christ vs The Body of the State from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
Should a Church of Jesus Christ apply to or incorporate with another government? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Charagma vs Card from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
What is the Mark of the Beast? Is it a chip or a relationship? If the mark of God is faith what woud be the mark of the beast? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly
[See detailed Study of Mark of the Beast below]

Citizen vs Citizen from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
Citizens of the world and in the world? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets, or Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Corban, Worshipping God in vain.
Systems of sacrifice that make the word of God to none effect. 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets, or Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Employ vs Enslave from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
What is the difference between being employed and being enslaved? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Essenes, Healing a nation. Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Call no man on earth Father
Why did Jesus tell us not to call any man on earth Father? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

There are gods Many
Who are these gods and what is Paul and the Bible telling us about them? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

The Kingdom of Heaven
Is the kingdom of God at hand? What does it look like? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Law vs. Legal from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
What is the difference between lawful and legal when it comes to tender, title and ownership? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Mark of the Beast
This is a detail study of what the Mark of the Beast is and what the Mark of God is. Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

The International Acceptance and Validity of Holy Matrimony
Is Holy Matrimony a Valid Union of a Man and a woman? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
What is the difference between Matrimony by the authority of God and Marriage as it is defined in a legal system? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets. Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.

Was Paul a Roman Citizen?
What was Paul saying when he was talking about being a "Roman" citizen? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets. Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.

Romans 13 and the Higher Liberty [From the book The Higher Liberty]
What was Paul trying to tell us when he wrote Romans 13? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets. Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.

2 Peter 2-13
Better to obey God? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets.
Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.

Rome vs. US
What was the Roman government and how does it relate to us today? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets. Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.

Schools as Tools
Has someone used the modern public schools to mold the minds of America for their own purposes. Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets
Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

Republic vs. Democracy from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
What form of self government was sanctioned by God. Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets. Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.

Slaves and Servants
If we will not be ruled in our hearts and minds by our Father in Heaven we shall be ruled by the Fathers of the "world". Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets
. Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.

Trust vs. Faith from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
What did Jesus mean when he said his kingdom was not of this world? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets. Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.

Not of which world?
What did Jesus mean when he said his kingdom was not of this world? Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets. Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly.


List of material above is Posted at

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• Page Last Updated on October 13 in the year of our Lord 2010 ~ 5:10:31pm  •  Page LogOn Time : 11.29.22

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