His Church at Summer Lake

His Church wants to help every family get back to the basics, to understand the Nature God has created us in so that we learn what it means to dress it and keep it.
There is so much we have forgotten so much we need to learn again. A hands on watching and doing facility for training people about God's plan can be of a primary importance to finding the path that leads to the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Feeding caring for cows, stacking hay, finding the lost sheep or enjoying a rainbow, there is always something to learn, see and do.

Above you see cows and their new calves, branding and sorting young calves and a small herd of range cows.
There are many lessons to learn in being herds men that will help people understand the kingdom.

Being a good shepherd requires the discipline to respond to a need. This caring for living creatures can start young and grow as your children grow. A real working ranch even on this mini scale can provide a learning experience that can be found no where else.

His Church at Summer Lake is a convention of Churches that form the living altars of the Church of His Church and serves the Religious Order at White Rock. It primarily serves other His Church congregations in the formation of independent Churches
and a chain of authentication through a network of believers, seekers and doers of the word of God.
All religious orders seek to support themselves to keep from becoming a burden to others in the preaching of the word and publishing of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God at hand.
All His Church community congregations are also evolved in local community activities and in Summer Lake and the surrounding valley that includes the local non-denominational community Church.
The Church includes service to all the communities within its reach.
Festivals and gatherings are held here annually as well as training for the job ahead with the challenges for these times. http://www.burningbushfestival.org/