Marriage Records
Every union and Community
The foundation of every nation is the family. The life of every nation is dependent upon the love and charity that binds those families together.
Some governments of the "world" will attempt to assume right over that great domestic relationship called marriage. That relationship was originally ordained by God as a natural and divine union of one man and one woman.
Couples have the responsibility of designating the nature of their union under the authority of God to the word and in a godly community there is an obligation to affirm that union. This is done formally by witnessing their status as "Husband and Wife" from the beginning. Free societies have managed to solemnize this natural union and status of a man and a woman as "Husband and Wife" by voluntary customs and acts of public notification.
The Church, as the servants of God, provides a series of procedures, also called rituals and ceremonies, for families and communities to work together to make two and three party records without diminishing or decreasing their rights endowed by God. Since marriage is the act of giving individuals into a marital status for God's purpose, including procreation we call that union Matrimony. When the only parties to the union are the Husband and Wife we call the union "Holy Matrimony".
Governments of the world also provide rituals and ceremonies for the solemnization of two people as husband and wife in a three party contract. Marriage by the Church has several distinctive differences from marriage by the state.
- The state usually is a party to the union, while the Church by its nature is not a party, and according to ecclesiastical and canon law;
- The couple is married to each other and as witnessed by the Church are married in the world for all purposes they are not bound legally to any other body except to each other.
- The state binds the couple under contract enforceable by judicial notice.
- While the Church and the congregation of the people bind the couple by mutual love and common desires of charity and forgiveness within a moral society.
"And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Genesis 2:18
While it is not good that man be alone it is also true that man and wife should not be alone.
It is almost essential if we are to marry in the name of Christ we should gather together in His name to do the will of the Father. As people gather together for the mutual purposes of society they will attend to the needs of the family and for this reason all those who wish to be bound in Holy Matrimony out of love for one another should seek out a congregation for mutual witness and support.
Those seeking to marry should be seeking to congregate together for all aspects of a mutual society... It is the chain of authentication of that mutual record that establishes validity of the solemnization but it will be the unity of congregations of record bound by love for one another that will prevent the assumption of marital jurisdiction and/or "limping marriages".
Marriage Documentation:
Marriage Packet contracts and forms.
These documents are for the use of Churches and Congregations of Record in a Living Network of those seeking the ways purposes of Christ.
Articles and booklets:
Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage [PDF Booklet print ready]
Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage [PDF Standard page print]
Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage [Chapter 1. in COG php]
Validity of Holy Matrimony[PDF Booklet print ready]
Validity of Holy Matrimony [PDF Standard page print]
Birth Records
Baptismal and Christening
These records are dependent on the separate and distinct nature of the Church and its ministers of the congregation of the people.
We also will require the formation of recognized congregations and Churches of Record based on biblical precepts of the kingdom of God, including two or three witnesses and a chain of agreement with in the record of the people.
Form a Church