Friday, March 14, 2025  : 8:38:06 AM
Dear Network

Not forsaking the gathering together

Recent " Dear Network" messages.


CHRISTIANITY DERAILED/A Kingdom of Doers #97.2

Dear Network,

I have seen post on the Colorado group about medical training offered form experienced  people; We are raising clean healthy grain here in Oregon with Rick in a CSA cooperative; We are also planting crops for ourselves and seed sources; Kern in Carolina is an old pharmacist going organic; Jeffrey is learning about goats [ the hard way :-)], there are nurses in the network and vets [animal and military both]  and many more people with many, many skills to numerous to mention from high tech to old low tech country ways.

The skills and art, and talent is overwhelming and with each new dedicated loving member we are all enriched...

These skills moving in an organized network with love for one another at its core can save lives and souls and generations facing almost every calamity....

Email groups are not enough...

Congregations of Record on the ground, elbow to elbow in the case of emergencies, if they are formed by real people who care for one another and the ways of the Lord, will be the CORE.

What can a Congregations of Record  [COR] do?

Because of spirit of selfishness and control pervasive in the world, because thousands of laws already on the books and food industry control by corporations like Monsanto the only way to produce good food and save seeds is on a local networking bases.

This is both the seed in your gardens and in your homes... You must provide the needs of your society by faith and charity alone... Not everyone can or will do that.

The only way to provide alternative health care is on a local, networking religious bases.

Banking, failing dollars, natural disaster, government and public service breakdown... can only be handled through a network that caring COR groups can offer.

Unincorporated associations are even vulnerable and if isolated are inadequate... Our corporate charters are written in our hearts and minds and manifested in the fruit of our love for one another and the Ways of Christ and the Father of creation.

Abraham,  Moses and Christ understood universal law....

The only alternative to centralization of power is the empowerment of the individual on a grass roots bases under the perfect law of liberty and the only way to do that is to unselfishly form a viable Network of people who have a sense of justice and mercy and who are doers.

We are far to use to letting the leaders do it all... STOP IT...

That breeds apathy and kills the grass in a grassroots movement.

Leaders need to let the people shoulder part of the burden.... People help your leaders... Invest in the network if you want the network to be there for you....

You breath life into the network and God will breath life into you...

This tour is a public service by us to you but the way it works is we give you the opportunity and power to make it work...

That is team work, that is liberty in action... that is kingdom...

No man, no family or even small group of families can deal with everything.

But a loving network in liberty... can deal with it all and even incur the miracles of faith...

I think Scott's idea of a preparedness expo type excuse for gathering  is a great back drop to the kingdom message...

I believe since you cannot have your rights back without taking back your responsibilities that it should be called an Empowerment Expo... I think this Tour will teach us a lot, patience if nothing else.


It is my hope and prayer that it brings people together.


People who care, work and do things together in harmony, building trust through love and forgiveness.

Report through your PCMs and PCM share with other PCMs.

Be the kingdom...



March 2, 2011

Christianity Derailed
Has the Church lost it way and taken the people with it?
Appeared first on NewsWithViews


An All American Whirlwind Tour 2011

A Recent Dear Network message found at:

Romans 13, NN Video Series:7-10 4:32

The Corban of the Pharisees
It made the word of God to none effect.
Is our Corban making the word of God to none effect today?

The Nicolaitan who God hates?
Because they covet their neighbor's goods

The Coercive and Non-Coercive Churches
Concerning what the "Church" is or should be and what it is not.

Audio On the Coercive Church
The Coercive Church BlogTalkRadio 29:10 
The Coercive Church TalkShoeQandA 48:43

Call no man Father 
What was Christ trying to tell us about fathers on the earth?


Introduction audio to HHC


The Living Network Links

You cannot love your neighbor in truth if you do not know who he is.

Join the Living Network and become a part of the solution

Living Network Index page:

Find and Join theLocal Network
The American States and Canada

Find a local group World Map Locator:
Find a
local Living Network Group around the world

What is a Personal Contact Minister
What do they do?

How do I elect a Personal Contact Minister
Contact Minister Election Form

Who are the Personal Contact Ministers
Some of the Local Contact Ministers

Mapping the Network
A project of the chosen Contact Ministers

Guidelines and Purpose
The Living Network groups.

Dear Network Messages
Some messages to the Living Network groups.

The Real Network

Church Records

Congregations of the Church



Articles on Networking

Fractal Networking
When Jesus was preaching the Kingdom of God at hand He talked about a mustard seed that could grow by faith into a mighty tree providing life and shelter for all who seek its branches.

The Purpose and Guidelines of Local groups
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20
The purpose of the network is to bring people together to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

The Audacity of Hope
There are numerous institutions that may be created based on faith, hope and charity that can aid us on the road to the Kingdom and the righteousness of God. 


Two Newsletters

The Kingdom Newsletter and Living Network Newsletter
The Kingdom Newsletter is our primary newsletter, but does not include the full access to detailed counseling and local assistance found in the Living Network Newsletter.
---To Join The Kingdom Newsletter go to:
---To Join The Living Network Newsletter and obtain exclusive updates and notices concerning the benefits and activities provided through the Living Network you must meet certain requirements, including electing a Personal Contact Minister or team leader.



Seek the liberty which we have in Christ Jesus.

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• Page Last Updated on March 07 in the year of our Lord 2011 ~ 7:38:41pm  •  Page LogOn Time : 8.38.00

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