The Higher Liberty
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The Higher Liberty
by Gregory HHC, d
Minister of His Holy Church
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Church and State
True Christians existed in an
extensive network of faith throughout Europe and even the far east
for centuries after Christ while apostasy courted a dying breed of
despots and tyrants. Their names, history, and blood were stamped or
poured out during years of sanguineous Church reform and
Groups seeking to be genuine
Christians were to be found in every century, from the Montanists,
Novatians to the Vaudois, Waldenses, or Albigenses about the
thirteenth century. Their doctrines were varied but their common
ground was in resistance to the doctrines and tyranny which marked
them for persecution. While their heresies will be debated until the
end of time, there can be no doubt as to the heresy of those who held
their feet to the fire and the sword to their throat.
Moses, and Abraham before him,
had set up systems of self government that could be called truly
republican in nature.
There was no king to exercise authority and the Family was the supreme
institution of God. Those Families eventually owned the beneficial
interest of their labor and the land they occupied. They banded together in congregations bound only by faith, hope, and
charity under the perfect law of liberty. They were free.
Their laws were administrated
through a network of tens, hundreds and thousands. Since there was no
king the “state” remained in the hands of the people. As
a free people there was no body to make new laws, sign treaties,
compel conscription, or impose taxes. Both Abraham and Moses,
according to the direction of God, provided an additional element to
this free government.
Abraham had his altars, and Moses called out the Levites to be the first born of the nation.
This system did not affect the autonomy of the people nor the power
of the first born in each family. The Levites belonged to God as His
bond servants. Their purpose was at least two fold. First it was to establish a
local and national system of charity that would bind the people
together in common faith and trust; and, second it was to give them a
standing amongst the nations without diminishing individual rights.
That is the purpose of a pure
republic. The resources to maintain the welfare of society were
freely given to the ministers of that society. They were completely
given to the Levites of choice, who used them to care for the widows,
orphans, and needy of society in a form of “pure religion”
as living altars.
Each congregation chose a
titular leader. They in turn chose their titular leaders. This
repeated pattern linked a nation through a system of mutual caring
and love. This takes a virtuous commitment and spiritual awakening.
This is the Kingdom of God.
This union was consummated by
marriage between the families but to maintain broad union of families
outside the local congregations national feasts were instituted to
bring families together. These marital unions amongst villages and
tribes continually strengthened the national bonds of community from
all corners of the Kingdom with the feasts playing a practical part.
Such systems only work amongst
people of virtue who tend to the weightier matters of law,
justice, mercy, and faith. It requires a people who love their neighbor as they love
But God was not enough and the voice of the people cried out for a ruler. They gave up some
of their liberty and power of choice. They gave power to
rulers who were no longer titular. This rejection of God brought the
people of the Republic under the authority of the monarch and others
they elected to rule. [see 1 Samuel 8:]
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