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The Higher Liberty

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The Higher Liberty

by Gregory HHC, d
Minister of His Holy Church

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The Natural Law

The Law of Nature or Natural Law is defined as, “The divine will, or the dictate of right reason, showing the moral deformity or moral necessity that there is in any act, according to its suitableness or un-suitableness to a reasonable nature. Sometimes used of the law of human reason, in contradistinction to the revealed law, and sometimes of both, in contradistinction to positive law.”83

In respect to the ground of the authority of law, it is divided as natural law, or the law of nature or of God, and positive law.”

Positive Law is, “Law actually ordained or established, under human sanctions, as distinguished from the law of nature or natural law, which comprises those considerations of justice, right, and universal expediency that are announced by the voice of reason or of revelation…”84

Positive law is dependent upon human sanctions, as distinguished from the law of nature or natural law. Natural law is not dependent upon or connected to the administration of the legislature or the opinions of men. Our opinions may conform to it but never alter it.

“Law governs men and reason the law.” 85

The laws created by men are real and binding if they are established according to right reason. That does not mean that the laws created by men have to be reasonable. It means their condition is binding due to the presence of the reasonable elements of Natural Law. The elements that bind man under human law or legal systems would include reasonable evidence of consent through actions or oaths, affirmation, application, or participation.

"The laws of nature are most perfect and immutable; but the condition of human law is an unending succession, and there is nothing in it which can continue perpetually.

Human laws are born, live, and die.”86





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    831.3 Bouvier, Inst. n. 3064; Greanleaf, Ev. É 44.

    84Bouvier’s. Law Dictionary

    85Chief Justice Melville Fuller (February 11, 1833 – July 4, 1910)

    86Leges naturæ perfectissimæ sunt et immutaviles; humani vero juris conditio semper in infinitum decurrit, et nihil est in co quod perpetuo stare possit. Leges humanæ nascuntur, vivunt, moriuntur.7 Coke, 25.


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