The Higher Liberty
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The Higher Liberty
by Gregory HHC, d
Minister of His Holy Church
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King but Caesar
If we are
to understand the fullness of the Gospel we should know that it is
first the “Gospel of the Kingdom”.
“And Jesus went about all
Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of
the Kingdom....” Matthew 4:23
preachers, and the scholars who have seduced them, have removed the Kingdom from the Gospels and turned the hearts of the people
to impure religion. It is time that voices from the wilderness
again call for repentance and a making straight the way of the Lord.
Pharisees were scholars and the majority of the Pharisees voted to
kill Christ, their rightful King. They chose to have no king but Caesar. But thank Heaven, the truth is not dependent upon democracies or
The modern Christian, with a watered down gospel of misguided leaders, have arranged a world system, a mystery Babylon, where their ministers teach the people to
sing in their churches, praising Christ as King, but send the people
to pray for their daily bread and benefits to men of the world who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority one over the
other the rest of the week. This is all provided at the expense of their
The people do take a bite out of
their neighbor, devouring one another. They wave their hands on Sunday and give lip service to God but the
rest of the week they covet their neighbor’s goods through
their schemes of government.
From the beginning we were told
to make no covenant with the inhabitants where we go, nor with
their gods or we would have to bow down and serve them. Even Jesus told us to not swear at all and to only pray to our
Father in heaven for our daily bread.
Applying to Pharaoh for their
daily bread brought the Israelites into bondage. God led the people
out of that bondage and told them never to return that way. God even
told the people if they chose a ruler they were to write in their
constitution that he could never do anything that would return them to the bondage
of Egypt.
sense would require us to ask why Paul would be telling the people to
remain in an Egyptian style government rather than be free with
Christ. Remember Christ was King, born King,
preached a Kingdom, told us to do the same,
and was hailed as King as He came to take the Kingdom away from those who ruled over the people. Those rulers had taken away their liberties, put heavy burdens on
them, and through their system of social security had made the word of God to none
Since, freeing people in Spirit
and truth and living by faith has always been the mission of the
prophets of God, it seems clear that Paul was saying that we should
remain subject to liberty and the right to choose endowed by God. Paul understood the perfect law of liberty, to oppose liberty is to oppose the will of God for men.
Yet, many ministers and the
people have difficulty seeing the simple and specific meaning of the
word exousia in the context of the Bible. This is because it
overthrows many of the preconceived notions, doctrines, and even some
errant theology which they have become so comfortable with over the
If we may use the word ‘right’
or ‘liberty’ in Romans 13 Christians and especially their
ministers will have to begin to examine the Gospel in a new light of
understanding and accept the truth that they have been under a strong
delusion about the “Gospel of the Kingdom” and the
message of Christ.
We may agree that governments
sometimes possess the right to make choices for persons that in a
more natural state would belong exclusively to the individual free
man. But, governments are not granted the right to choose for others
by God, rather by the men who create those governments. In order to
obtain that right to rule over men governments would have to rely on
some operation of preexisting law. That fundamental law is often
called natural law.
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