The Higher Liberty
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The Higher Liberty
by Gregory HHC, d
Minister of His Holy Church
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A Kingdom not of
this world
“Jesus answered, My
Kingdom is not of this world...” John 18:36
There are numerous words
translated into world in the New Testament: aeon, oikoumen, ge
and erets. The word ‘world’ in John 18:36 is translated
from the word ‘kosmos’. It
came from the word komizo meaning
“to care for, take care of, provide for” or “carry
off what is one’s own,” which is what governments of men
like Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, and Caesar often did.
Greek word kosmos had
the sense of an orderly arrangement. The Greeks produced other forms,
such as the Homeric kosmeo,
used in reference to the act of “marshaling troops.” From the Greek and Roman point of view, the “... word kosmos ... meant originally the discipline of an army, and next the ordered
constitution of a state.” It
is defined in Strong’s Concordance as an “orderly
arrangement” and in another Greek concordance as “an
apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government.”
Jesus was telling Pilate,
sitting in the judgment seat, “My Kingdom is not a part of your constitution, order, or government and
you have no jurisdiction to judge Me or My Kingdom.” And Pilate
agreeing, washed his hands of the matter.
Jesus had been saying His Kingdom was at hand, we were to preach it was at hand, He was going to take it from the
Pharisees and give it to another who would bear fruit. He appointed the Kingdom to His little flock.
is he that is born King of the Jews?...” Matt. 2:2
knew, the Magi, angels, and shepherds knew it. When Jesus entered
Jerusalem thousands of people hailed him as the highest
son of David,
the Messiah, the King, the Anointed. Jesus said that it was for this
cause that he came into the world and even the Procurator of Rome
defended Him as the King, and officially proclaimed it so on the
epigraph nailed to the cross. The only ones who do not seem to get it
is the modern Christians who have no king except the modern Caesar,
who calls himself
a benefactor but exercises authority one over the other, contrary to
the decrees of Jesus. [see
Matthew 20:25, Mark 10:42, Luke 22:25 ].
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Also see
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and the article
Not of this world