The Higher Liberty
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The Higher Liberty
by Gregory HHC, d
Minister of His Holy Church
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A Pure Republic
United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a
Republican Form of Government…”
term republic, res publica, signifies the state independently of its
form of government.”
A pure Republic allows the
people the power of choice. They may retain their right to choose or
waive it for what they believe is profitable or for gain. People
change and governments change. It has been said, “All roads
lead to Rome”, but if we turn around all roads lead to the
Kingdom of God. It is all about which direction you choose to go,
which path you choose to take.
“Because strait [is] the gate, and
narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that
find it.” Matthew 7:14
The United States is a democracy
within the original republic and it has changed as its citizenry
changes. Relationships have been altered by choice and consent. The
dreams and desires of the people may become a nightmare of despair
before those who slumber awake.
The term republic in its pure
form comes from the words Libera Res Publica, Free
from Things Public.
“Tacitus repeatedly contrasts the res publica under the emperors with the pre-Augustus libera
res publica; and in the Germania 37, encountering the disasters
which Germans inflicted upon the res publica Romanorum, he
distinguishes between the old res publica, which he calls the populus
Romanus, and the new res publica, which he calls “Caesar”.
The old res publica hardly had the mixed constitution which
dreamers assigned it and which actually never can exist, but it was
something greater and majestic which lives on as a glorious memory in
a mean age.”
History will repeat itself if we
will not learn from it. If you ared not free from things public then
you have suscribed to a republic fashioned after the precepts of
Caesar rather than a free society.
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