The Higher Liberty
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The Higher Liberty
by Gregory HHC, d
Minister of His Holy Church
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In Romans 13:3 we see the Greek
word archon translated ruler. It appears as ruler 22
times, prince 11 times, as chief twice, and as magistrate and chief ruler. The same term is used when
Christ appointed “a Kingdom” to the apostles and instructed them not to be like “the princes of the Gentiles” who exercise authority and dominion over the people.
The apostles were actually
appointed princes of the Kingdom of God, which they and Jesus
said was at hand. The word apostle is the Greek word for ambassador. They were not like government “benefactors”
that exercised authority one over the other. They were the one
form of government which professed liberty through voluntary charity
in support of their government, and were not “of the world”.
The Bible has always been a book
about government, and man’s relationship to it – and to
God. Jesus came to take the Kingdom from the those who had been
leading the people into bondage, and redeem them again – not
unlike what Moses did in Egypt. He even told those who were ruling
the people in Judea at the time what His plan was:
“...The Kingdom of God shall be
taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits
thereof.” Matthew 21:43
The ministers of the Church
appointed by the Christ were benefactors in service to the people,
but they were required to seek righteousness. Christians were not
allowed to covet their neighbors goods or elect men to exercise power
and control for their personal enrichment or benefit.
Their ministers were leaders of
a government that exercised charity, not force. They provided a table
of freewill offerings, not compelled contributions taken from members
by force or the threat of violence. That table of charitable benefits
through faith and love saved them during the decline and despotism of
the Roman Empire.
“We have an altar, whereof they
have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle.” Hebrews 13:10
Does the world have altars
whereof we should have no right to eat? Can we eat the meat of our
neighbor when blood is still in it? Can we covet our neighbor’s
goods and feign righteousness.
If the temple was to be made of
living stones, were the ancient altars also to be made of living
stones? Was there a practical purpose and plan? Have the forces of evil sought to deceive us?
The answers are simple, but
often contrary to what we have been taught. We must become like
little children, seeing with new eyes, letting go of the lies and
delusions passed down from age to age. Without humility there can be
no new knowledge.
To understand how Christ, His
apostles, and His Church were turning the world upside down, it may
be required to turn some modern religious beliefs upside down, or
throw them out altogether. Have certain men crept in unawares denying
the Kingship of the Christ?
Like Moses, Jesus Christ came to
free the people. Yes Christ came to give us a more complete freedom.
He did not come to give us less. God did not send Moses to free the
people, only to have Christ appoint a Church that brought them back
into the bondage of the “world” and the “elements
of that world”.
We need to look at what Christ
called the weightier matters. We need to repent and set our neighbor
free from our own covetous hearts. We need to step up and out in
faith and take back the responsibilities God gave every man and
We need to come together in His
true name of faith, hope and love. It is time to wake up and repent.
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