His Church at Summer Lake Retreat Ground and Training Center:

Dawn in the high desert at His Church in Summer Lake Retreat Grounds.
In the open spaces of the high desert the night sky is filled with billions of stars but as the first star fades in the sky with the rising of the sun far behind Diablo Mountains morning begins.
This photograph to the left was taken from Prayer Rocks high on Klepple Point as we met for sunrise services during the 2011 fall Retreat.
In the dim light you can see some of the natural desert meadows prier to sunrise just before prayer services.
Pictures shows hayfields and pastures with springs. The pastorage is left and above center.
A Closer Look
Closer view as dawn breaks shows the pastorage and storage trailers amongst the trees.
As the sage brush turns to meadow in the lower part of the photograph you can see one of the irrigation canals where trout will be raised and a sheep-camp trailer by the well.
Sheep are still bedded down around trees near the pastorage where they are safe from coyotes, Bobcats and mountain lions which traverse these fields at night.
There are small ghostly whiffs of dust to the right rising in the sage brush just south of the pastorage as the suns warmth creeps across the desert floor. Those are range cattle moving toward water as they return to the meadows to drink and eat.
In the blow-up below of the same picture, you can see the mother cows moving with their calves which were born in the spring. In this enlargement you can also see the sheep clear still bedded down just below the garden.
Every facet and process of agriculture will be explored and shared to bring a full experience that will immerse you in kingdom thinking. The lessons of a shepherd have always been used to teach us the principles and precepts of the kingdom.

The church will use its facilities to introduce the people of the network to rang sheep and cattle operations. We will teach animal husbandry at all levels with a a natural permaculture approach.
