Thursday, March 13, 2025  : 10:04:48 AM

Dear Network


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The Living Network

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Not forsaking the gathering together

Recent " Dear Network" messages.


This Fragil Life, prayer and cancer #100.8

Dear Network,

Christine passed away this week .

May she rest in peace and her family be comforted in the way of the LORD.

We will always remember her in better times when she blessed us all during the 2010 Retreat.


Here she is seen high above the valley floor in Summer Lake at Prayer Rock at the sunrise service where we prayed together and touched each others heart in love.


We all know people that have died young.

This gift of life is a fragile thing and our time is short.

Each life is a treasure in the kingdom.

If you want to be whole what can you do?

What should you be doing?

We are told to give up our life so that we may have life more abundant.

It is also written:

"Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: " James 5:14

In regards to "going to your elders" or going to doctors the question was asked "Has any body found a any other biblical options? " 


I had to dig out about a half a mile of irrigation ditch. I used a backhoe to do it with that I got the use of  in exchange for building a pump house.

 I have dug miles of ditch over the years with a shovel. While a shovel is mentioned in the Bible.... There is no biblical option for digging a ditch using a backhoe but I thought God would not mind since using a shovel would have taken a lot of time.


I am not just being facetious here but making several points.


We have laid hands on people with instant relief from life threatening illness. We have seen skin healed in days that doctors said would require skin grafts and operations, bones knitting in the similar way.

While few of us here seldom go to doctors ourselves and have found hundreds of remedies  including the oils and herbs, diet and therapuetic exercises, etc  we would never tell people not to go to a doctor nor tell them which doctor to go to.

Why? Because we are not to rule over you either.


Each individual must be led by the Holy Spirit and not the spirit of fear or authoritarian spirits.

The women who was led to touch the hem of Christ's garmet was healed. Over and over Jesus seem to heal people but he also said their faith saved them.

An essential part of being healed by the Holy Spirit and the "virtue" of Christ is that you must be receptive to that leading of the Holy Spirit.

You must be drawn to that Spirit.

Each of us will be drawn to that which will heal or help. Or you will be be dragged or pushed by fear and false faith to that which will harm and hurt you.

Every Elder of every congregation is not filled with the Holy Spirit. In fact I see most Churches having little if any people in them that are truly Holy Spirit filled. There hands when laid on someone might do more harm than good.

What is posing as the Church and Christianity is very sick and reaching out to it will probably make you sick too... Their doctrines are sick, not whole... What they often think is "sound doctrine" is missing critical elements of the teachings of Christ and even the apostles.

This will always be a great temptation to settle for these hollow doctrines that have not the substance of the Holy Spirit.

This is what Christ found amongst the ministers of God's kingdom and called them " whited sepulchres".

Like faith without works they are dead.

So when do we gather for help and healing? Do we wait till we are ill to begin the gathering? Do we come together only when we have a need or do we, like Christ, gather together so that others might be saved?

I think your first and last prayers every day should be to pray for others ...not for yourself alone.

If you want to be healed, pray for the healing of others... Give life to have life more abundant was the doctrine Christ gave us.

We must be doers of the word and not hearers only.

There are people on our network groups that are really beginning to receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

What does that look like? How do you tell?

There are many who also know herbs and oils and simple common sense remedies... Some have been lead to this knowledge by the Holy Spirit and some by other spirits.

Those being lead by the Holy Spirit will  only be tapped by those who seek that Holy Spirit in spirit and in truth.

Unfortunately the connections between the different groups and members of those groups are weak. Our prayer is that you strengthen those bonds which connect the people seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness.


Start to knit the bones of the network, not for your own benefit but for the benefits of others. Gather to be of service to others, to pray for others, to give to others and there will be a healing by that Spirit of giving and forgiving because that is why Christ came to us ....


There is no other option than Christ.

He told us to gather together.

As we do that gathering according to His Holy Spirit some will be pushed away and others will be drawn together in His name.


Matthew 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


Those of you on each group who seek to bring the dry bones together speak up and volunteer again and again until two will give you a chance to serve and with those two witnesses we will add you to the working group of contact ministers.


Seek to form congregations. The head of every family is an elder.

If you are single join and aid another family or form brotherhoods and sisterhoods with personal commitments to each other.


Hebrews 10:25  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.


What we have offered here at HHC is a picture of what the first century Church looked like and how the kingdom operated before and after Christ... how they worshipped God in Spirit and Truth.


I received word the other day that another woman is dying of cancer. She has aged years in the last few months and is given only a short time.

"The World Cancer Report tells us that cancer rates are set to increase at an alarming rate globally"

".. cancer was by far the leading cause of death among women aged 40 to 79"

"Cancer is the chief cause of death by disease in children between the ages of 1 and 14."


Cancer has become a plague in our time. This increase in directly connected to environmental pollutions in our modern society from the toxic waste of manufacturing to the food additives, or transmitted viruses to vaccinations. The problem is accentuated by the difficulty of obtaining nutritious foods and knowledge of how to battle these assaults on good health.


If the people of the world truly loved their neighbor as themselves the pollution and contamination would decrease and the curative value would grow in our food supply. Our time each day would be spent in pursuits of ways to benefit our neighbor rather than profit from them.

Seeking the kingdom is not about saving ourselves as much as it is about serving others.




Because that is the character of Christ.


If we are to seek His Kingdom and pursue the righteousness of God we are to strive to know and do the righteousness of Christ. There is no aspect of our lives that will not be changed or touched by turning around and seeking a way of life that cares about others in a manner that strengthens the poor, gives life and hope where there was little before.


"Pray without ceasing.  In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you....
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-23



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Related links

Dear Network, Cause of quakes #97-7
God is going to shake the world 97.7

Dear Network, God's government #97-5
Fish or cut bait continued....

Dear Network, Knock and the Door will be open #97-4
Free governments and the law of liberty, How it works if you work at it.

"Dear Network # 40"

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I also sent them the article as it appeared in the Kingdom Newsletter.

Are Christians idiots or are they trapped in a false doctrine that has been creeping into their thinking for hundreds of years?
The article Are Christians Idiots went out today and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Find out why these responses come back saying:

"Dear brother, this was excellent and so very timely."
"Then I saw your article posted on What a confirmation!"

" Good to see you're back, especially with an outstanding article ... I'm going to use it to challenge the 200 evangelical leader..."
"your article today is a superb concise summary of the whole shebang. It distills everything to its basic essence. I love it."
"Amen! Brother...well stated!"
Are Christians Idiots?
Was Acts 4:13 saying that Peter and John were "unlearned and ignorant"?
Was the original text telling us something very different?

Was there something unique about the early Christians which Modern Christians have forgotten?

Find out for yourself.

Are Christians Idiots


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Audio file answering the question "Are Christians Idiotes" from Blog Talk Radio


Introduction audio to HHC


The Living Network Links

You cannot love your neighbor in truth if you do not know who he is.

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Dear Network Messages
Some messages to the Living Network groups.

The Real Network

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Congregations of the Church



Articles on Networking

Fractal Networking
When Jesus was preaching the Kingdom of God at hand He talked about a mustard seed that could grow by faith into a mighty tree providing life and shelter for all who seek its branches.

The Purpose and Guidelines of Local groups
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20
The purpose of the network is to bring people together to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

The Audacity of Hope
There are numerous institutions that may be created based on faith, hope and charity that can aid us on the road to the Kingdom and the righteousness of God. 


Two Newsletters

The Kingdom Newsletter and Living Network Newsletter
The Kingdom Newsletter is our primary newsletter, but does not include the full access to detailed counseling and local assistance found in the Living Network Newsletter.
---To Join The Kingdom Newsletter go to:
---To Join The Living Network Newsletter and obtain exclusive updates and notices concerning the benefits and activities provided through the Living Network you must meet certain requirements, including electing a Personal Contact Minister or team leader.



Seek the liberty which we have in Christ Jesus.

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• Page Last Updated on July 03 in the year of our Lord 2014 ~ 8:50:24am  •  Page LogOn Time : 10.04.47

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