Thursday, March 13, 2025  : 10:20:16 AM
His Church at Summer Lake


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The Living Network

Be the Network

His Church at Summer Lake


preaching at retreats

His Church at Summer Lake is a convention of Churches that form the living altars of the Church of His Church and serves the Religious Order at White Rock. It primarily serves other His Church congregations in the formation of independent Churches and a chain of authentication through a network of believers, seekers and doers of the word of God. The bonds of the Church established by Christ are faith, hope and charity which is love among men and women who seek to conform to Jesus Christ and the first century church.

Through services to other Churches and congregations the work it does provides a chain of authentication through a network of believers, seekers and doers of the word of God.

His Church at Summer Lake is both a church planter and evangelist of the gospel. Besides radio broadcasts and video productions it also has been publishing and preaching the kingdom for decades. It offers a system of protection by mutual witnessing of the activities of different congregations and the Church to guiding all in the ways of Christ while in the world.

sheep meadow

In order for a people to remain free as God intended it is essential that they diligently learn to live an independent self sustaining lifestyle which nurtures good health and the fruits of faith from the ground up. That independence must not interfere with the command by Christ to gather together in Spirit and in Truth.

Early Christians voluntarily worked together in a network of brotherhood and fellowship between ministers and congregations in a symbiotic relationship of love and honor. The serving of the people has often been metaphorically compared to shepherds and their flock.

Range sheep are not bound by fences. They are bound by a natural gregarious nature that keeps them from wondering to far away. They naturally keep within sight of one another. The lessons learned in caring for the flocks of the Church are as timely today as they were in ancient times. That is the purpose of the Living Network.

All religious orders and Churches are directed and diligently seek to support themselves to keep from becoming a burden to others while they preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, spread the word and publishing and edify that Kingdom of God at hand in the hearts of men and women.

sheep in a shut

Since His Church at Summer Lake is both a retreat ground and educational center it is also involved in agriculture so that it may be both self sustaining and able to teach others to do the same in a wholesome and healthy environment.

It raises gardens, sheep and and a few cows in a desert and oasis environment. The command to dress it and keep it has focused the policies at Summer Lake to operate with an organic approach to sustainable permaculture.

The basic outline for a work proposal for the Church are located:

Overall proposal outlines:

agriculture, including farming and animal husbandry.

The land is being purchased for His Church in the service of Christ. Construction has already begun on other buildings and facilities to serve Christ by serving the people who seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

His Church at Summer Lake Maps:

Topographical Map

Google Map 1 and 2

Terrain Map

There is much work to be done and it will require all God's people to work diligently and unselfishly to turn around and head back to the precepts of Christ expressed in His Gospel of the kingdom. We have begun the work others may finish. The harvest will be great, the laborers will be few.


Teaching the Kingdom through doing

His Church will use the grounds to teach agricultural practices that are sustainable and produce healthy products and produce.

His Church Observatory is one of the many building project His Church is working on here in the Summer Lake Basin.

This is to provide a blessed settings for training and festivals.

<Under construction>

Join us in our efforts to repent and seek the kingdom..

Yurt strength

To Support the Church

Livestock and produce is raised and shared with others including the world in general to provide support for the Church. The congregations of ordained ministers, called orders work for Christ only but seek to be a finacially independent body of brothers in order to serve the people without exercising authority one over the other.

Other things will be made and sold in support of the Church. Yurts are a remarkable shelter. They are lightweight and portable and very strong. You can add heat and cooking stoves with a lot of room for company.

The Church sells these yurts to raise funds in support of the ministry.

All His Church community congregations are also involved in local community activities and in Summer Lake and the surrounding valley that includes the local non-denominational community Church.

The Church includes service to all the communities within its reach and tents and other camping supplies often provide emergency shelter during catastrophic events.


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• Page Last Updated on September 21 in the year of our Lord 2015 ~ 9:24:14am  •  Page LogOn Time : 10.20.16

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